
Multivariate data analysis in standard density of petrochemical
英文关键字:petroleum measurement tables,standard density,multivariate data analysis,function relationship of 20℃ standard density
中文摘要:目前,我国炼厂与销售企业的贸易结算,以及炼厂向成品油油库发送油品的运输主要仍按油品的质量进行计算。而在油品发送、运输、储存过程中,人们多使用GB/T 1885—1998《石油计量表(产品部分)》、《石油产品计量速算表》或《液体石油产品计量速算手册》等厚重书本,应用查表法取得20℃标准密度,进行质量计算。缺点是查阅不便,工作量大,易出现错误。本文探讨了应用Unscrambler软件,对产品标准密度表(表59B)中常用数据进行分析,得到20℃标准密度的函数关系式。优点是精度高、误差小、便于计算。该函数关系式在常用温度、常用密度范围内,完全可以替代查表法计算20℃标准密度,具有实用价值。
英文摘要:Currently, trade settlement between Chinese refineries and sales enterprises, and oil transporting refined oil from refineries to refined oil depots is calculated based upon the quality of the oil. In the process of the oil sending, transportation and storage, people apply the look-up table method to obtain the 20℃ standard density which is used to calculate the quality of the oil by GB/T 1885—1998 Petroleum Measurement Tables (Part of the Refined Oil), Speed Conversion Table of Calculation Refined Oil, and Speed Conversion Handbook of Calculation Liquid Petrochemical. Its drawback is heavy books, inconvenient seeking, heavy workload, and prone to error. This paper discusses analysis of the data of petrochemical standard density table (Table 59B) to obtain the function relationship of 20℃ standard density by Unscrambler software. Its advantages is high accuracy, small error , easy to calculate. The function relationship can completely replace the look-up table method to calculate the 20℃ standard density in normal temperature and normal density range. It has practical value.

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