
Operation and energy saving and efficiency increase of 1 million tons/year hydrocracking fractionation
英文关键字: fractionation operation; reduce processing capacity; qualified product; energy efficiency
中文摘要:探讨了100万吨/年加氢裂化分馏部分主要塔操作,在正常处理量时分馏操作要点及降低处理量时,如何调整保证产品合格。通过操作对比,提高低分油进T8201温度1℃,高压空冷电机每小时节约电能22 kw•h,全年可节约9.24万元;降低T8201汽提蒸汽量,能保证硫化氢完全脱出,每小时节约汽提蒸汽0.3 t,全年8400小时就可节约2520 t,节约37.8万元;航煤T8203抽出阀每增加1%,航煤抽出量就可多增加0.5 t/h,全年就可多产4200t,多增加效益210万元,达到节能增效目的。
英文摘要:Discussed the main tower operation of the 1 million tons/year hydrocracking fractionation part, and how to adjust the main points of the fractionation operation in the normal processing volume and reduce the processing volume to ensure that the product is qualified. Through operation comparison, increase the temperature of low-fraction oil into T8201 by 1℃, high-pressure air-cooled motor saves 22 kw•h of electric energy per hour, which can save 92,400 yuan throughout the year; reduce the amount of T8201 stripping steam to ensure complete removal of hydrogen sulfide per hour It saves 0.3 t of stripping steam, and it can save 2520 t and 378,000 yuan in 8,400 hours in a year; for every 1% increase of the light diesel T8203 extraction valve, the amount of jet fuel extraction can increase by 0.5 t/h, which can be more throughout the year the output is 4200 t, which will increase the benefit by 2.1 million yuan and achieve the purpose of energy saving and efficiency enhancement.

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